Dubsado In A Day

Learn How To Use & Set Up Dubsado In As Little As 1 Day

Since you’re here, reading this, I’m guessing you can relate to one of these:

Creative Entrepreneur 01: The Hot Mess

Your client process is messy and unorganized, which means you always feel stressed out and overwhelmed.

Your clients are ALWAYS late providing you with files and feedback, which means you’re always missing deadlines.

When your projects eventually end, your clients still email you with millions of questions.

And paying late has become a habit ALL your clients seem to have picked up.

Totally feel where I’m coming from? If not, you’re Entrepreneur 02.

Creative Entrepreneur 02: The Client Charmer

You currently use a bunch of tools to organize your client process and while they’re great (and free!), you don’t need ‘free’ anymore. You need simple and convenient. You can afford to invest in tools that make your business super simple and easy to run!

You wish ONE tool existed that would allow you to manage everything from one place. Like, one tool that can send contracts, quotes, invoices, questionnaires, handle project management and all the other things.


Guess what? Both entrepreneurs need the same solution: Dubsado.

Dubsado is an all-in-one business management suite for creatives. Inside Dubsado, you can:

Send and sign contracts, proposals and invoices.
Send forms and questionnaires.
Manage your client projects, create client portals and track your time.
Create to-do lists.
Do your bookkeeping.
Integrate Dubsado with QuickBooks, Zapier, G-Suite, Stripe, PayPal, Square, and ACH transfer.
Create canned emails.
Create payment schedules and auto-reminders.
Brand everything with your colors, photography, and logo.
Allow clients to give you tips!
And lots more.

It does all of that for just $35 per month. (Say whaaaat??)

No more logging in to multiple tools, paying hundreds of dollars to use all of them, or losing passwords.

This course, Dubsado In A Day, will show you how to use all of these features. Simply use my done-for-you setup to manage your projects and wow your clients!

So... why join this course? Why not figure out how to use Dubsado by yourself?

Even though Dubsado is very user-friendly, it comes with quite a learning curve. Many creatives join, play around in there for 10 minutes and never use it again because they don't think they have the time to learn how to use it.

Have Dubsado's lead capture forms, workflows and packages got you feeling confused??

You don't have to be confused or figure it out alone. I've done all the figuring out for you.

Want to know something cool? I don’t just show you how to use and set up Dubsado through this course.

You’ll ALSO learn:

How to document your client process and create a template that you can follow again and again with every client.

How to create a welcome page for your clients so you can set boundaries and outline what you need from them before the project begins. (Goodbye late files and homework, hello timely clients!)

How to train your clients at the end of their project so they understand it's over and don't keep emailing you with millions of questions.

My automated Dubsado follow-up system to bring thousands more $$$ into your business.


And the goodies keep coming! You’ll also get these templates:

• Canned email scripts: 12 scripts to use with your clients when they inquire about your services, object to your pricing, provide files/feedback/payments late, and more. Just plug 'em into Dubsado and you're good to go!

• Readymade Client Training: Send my readymade training video to your clients to help them understand how to use Dubsado, or use my script to create your own video.

• Custom Dubsado Workflow: My 15-step client process workflow. You can use this workflow to automate your entire client process - from sending contracts, invoices and questionnaires to sending follow up emails! Plug this workflow into Dubsado and it will automate all of these things.

Get started now!

Life-altering ways your business is about to change…

Your clients will provide files and feedback on time (shocking, right?) so your projects all start and finish on time.

You can start charging premium prices because you provide a premium experience.

Late payments become a thing of the past. (So kiss goodbye to the credit card you have to pay your rent with when your client 'forgets' to pay you.)

Clients no longer expect you to complete extra work for free.

Your clients rave about you after the project is over because you not only provided them with fantastic work, but an incredible experience.


Here's why you need to do this now...

Every moment you spend thinking about getting organized is another moment you stay stressed.

Another moment you feel like pulling your hair out because you’re so overwhelmed by your clients.

Another moment you resent your clients and your business.

What would it be worth to you and your business if...

You could achieve more and earn more without working more.

You could spend more time playing with your kids and less time behind your laptop, following up with clients.

You could spare some time each week to go to the gym and get back to the healthy, happy person you were years ago.

You could spend more quality time with your husband. The husband you’ve kiiiinda been neglecting because you have three projects going at the same time, two clients asking millions of questions even though their projects are over, and one client who owes you money. *insert panic attack here*


More time. More delighted clients. More referrals. More peace of mind.

This is what I want to help you accomplish today.

"I had been using Dubsado for months but had no idea how much it could do! Through this course, I learned a lot about workflows and it has changed everything for me. This course made Dubsado SO much easier to understand and set up.”

- Andrea Balogun, studioworkshopgroup.com

"Working through this course has been a gamechanger. I knew Dubsado was an amazing tool but after completing Dubsado In A Day, I now understand the full potential of this resource! Streamlined workflows, canned emails, client organization, you name it. It can be done with Dubsado! Enroll in this course. The investment it TOTALLY worth it!”

- Madison Whiteneck, keepingthecreativity.com

“I never thought I would switch to Dubsado but after going through some of the lessons in this course, I am blown away by how much Dubsado can save me time and energy in my client process. It also makes my business look so much more organized and professional!”

- Paigon Davis, natashalanedesignco.com

Get started now!

So, who am I anyway?

Hi there! I'm Nesha. Today, many people know me as the girl that has taught 11,000+ creatives how to grow and organize their businesses, but I haven't always been so organized.

I ran my freelance graphic design business for TWO YEARS before I decided to streamline my client process. It’s no surprise that after I did, my clients went from barely satisfied to ecstatic about the whole process.

Here’s what one of my clients said about my process BEFORE I got organized:

“Because I have a new business, I think it would have been extremely helpful to start the process with a brainstorming call where I could tell you what I was unsure about and you could offer advice. Also, I would have liked to see an example of what a logo variation is, what a submark is, etc. That would have helped me make decisions quicker.”

It's a little embarrassing to share, but that was the kind of feedback I was getting. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn't tear-jerkingly great either.

Here’s what another client said AFTER I organized my client process:

"You managed my expectations from start to finish. I knew exactly what was happening with my project at all times. You guided me through a process I knew absolutely nothing about with professionalism and ease, and it was really exciting from start to finish. Your level of service went the extra mile, and as a client, I appreciated that. Thank you so much!”


A streamlined client process = An excellent brand experience for your clients.

An excellent brand experience = Glowing testimonials, more referrals and more money for YOU!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?
It's for online service-based business owners. Like web designers, copy writers, virtual assistants etc.
Does it matter what kind of service I sell?
Not at all. Whether you’re a designer, coach, or clown-for-hire, this course will work for you.
Do I have to finish this course in a day?
No, you can finish it as quickly or slowly as you want. There’s no rush! Some may find it easy to complete this course in a day, but it’s okay if you don’t. Slow progress is still progress - don’t forget that.
How is this different to what is in the Dubsado Help Center?
Good question! The Help Center includes some useful tech tutorials, but this course is more than just tech tutorials. I'm showing you my exact Dubsado setup and equipping you with six lessons on how to create an unforgettable client experience that turns your clients into raving fans. This course also comes with 16 copy and paste templates you can use for emails, workflows and payment plans inside Dubsado!
I don't have time to go through this course.
I totally understand! But creating an unforgettable client experience does take time and commitment. The good news is that I did all the heavy lifting for you by making this course simple, straightforward and easy to complete. There are templates and checklists to help you finish this course as fast as possible! No more wasted time searching for tutorials and creating your own templates.
Will this course help me organize my product-based business?
Sorry, this course is for service-based creatives only.
Are there any costs associated with this course?
Dubsado is a paid tool, but my course students get 20% off their first month if they join Dubsado using my special link. If you’d prefer to use free tools to organize your business, my other course (Organize & Automate) is a better fit for you.

Want to turn your clients into lifelong cheerleaders for your business?

It starts with an unforgettable client experience.

Get started now!

Due to the digital and downloadable nature of this product, refunds are not allowed.

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